Sunday, December 31, 2017

Online Beginner, Lower Intermediate and Intermediate Irish Language Classes Resume for Winter 2018

The Irish Gaelic Circle of CT will resume 3 ONLINE Irish language classes at the Beginner, Lower Intermediate and Intermediate levels this Winter. New students are welcome!
The Beginner and Lower Intermediate classes will resume on Sat., Jan 6th at 9 and 11 AM EST, respectively, for an 8 week term. These 2 classes can be attended in person in Danbury CT USA.
The Intermediate class will resume on Tues. Jan. 9th at 8 PM EST for a 10 week term.
For additional info and to register visit: or call John Feeney: 203.417.1700 or email: or Twitter: @johnedwardfeene, #OnlineIrishClass and #IrishGaelicCircle